Regular Joe Figures Out How Crazy Easy It is to Hack His Coworkers Webcams

How and why have you received this threatening email?

If a data breach has happened at some point (whether that be recent or in the past) your email address may have been exposed online.

Cybercriminals gather 'leaked data' such as email addresses and passwords, and they then target these victims and use this information against them.

They may not target their victims immediately after the data breach, they may decide to do it months or even years later.

The cybercriminals generate a threatening email, the more threatening the email; the more likely people are to fall victim to it!

In this case, they have used watching porn as a way of humiliating their victims.

Has your password been listed?

If they have listed one of your passwords within their email, it is likely that they're using this as an attempt to make you feel like they have evidence against you.

Surely if someone did have a video recording of you, they would send it to you as this would be proof.

The more vulnerable they make you (the recipient) feel, the more likely they are to receive their ransom request of payment.

What should you do?

Whatever you do, DO NOT PAY THE RANSOM!
Unfortunately there are lots of people who feel so threatened that they pay the money.

We have listed below some common Google searches of these email scams, which we are seeing traffic for:

"You may not know me and you are probably wondering why you are getting this e mail, right? I'm a hacker who cracked your email and devices a few months ago"

"Email saying they have accessed my webcam"

"Bribery email with your password"

"Got an email demanding bitcoin"

"Got an email saying caught masturbating pay bitcoin"

"Hacked iPhone camera threatening email"

"I got an email saying they had a video of me masturbating"

"I got an email for watching porn and masturbation asked me to transfer money otherwise posting my video"

Email scams are becoming big business for cybercriminals and with the rise of anonymous currency such as bitcoin the bad guys often can't be traced.

Extortion Phishing:

Extortion phishing is the practice of obtaining something, money in particular, through force or threats via email.

In this instance the victim receives an email suggesting they have been recorded through their webcam whilst watching adult websites. The criminals behind this demand a ransom or else threaten to circulate the recording to their contacts (family, friends, colleagues etc).

Scare tactics are often used to threaten the user in the hope that they will hand over funds. Scammers scour the internet for email addresses and build up lists of potential targets before they begin trying to extort your hard earned cash.

Can someone watch me through my webcam?

Some viruses are capable of viewing your webcam, recording your screen and listening to you through your computer microphone.

If you are concerned and want to ensure you are protected in future we recommend the following:

1. Purchase paid anti-virus

AVG Ultimate Buy on Amazon

2. Get a webcam cover & microphone blocker to prevent access

Buy on Amazon

3. Disable your microphone (if you don't use it) using these guides:

  • Windows 10
  • Apple Mac

We've had loads of comments about this particular scam! If you would like to discuss please visit our forum, you can click here to get redirected to the forum.

If you receive an email similar to the below please be aware this is a scam!


You received this message because someone requested an email subscription to a FeedBurner feed. If you did not make
this request, please ignore the rest of this message.

(Ps: do not ignore this message otherwise all your privacy will be totally

Hi, i guess you dont know me and you´re asking yourself why you´re
receiving this email, right?

I have put an malvware (virus) on a porn site (site with adult videos) and
you accessed it to have some fun (you know what i mean)

While you were watching the adult videos the system began to work as a RDP
(Remote Desktop) with a keylogger and i had access to device screen and
your camera.

After that my malvware collected all your messengers, emails and social
networks contacts.

Then what did i do? i just created an double screen video (the first part
is your screen record, the second part is the recording of your camera
(yes, record of yourself while watching the porn video, i must admit you
have a nice taste 🙂 )

I guess isnt good news, right?

But dont worry, there´s a way to fix all this mess. What you have to do is
just pay me U$360,00, this is a fair value to keep our little secret.
You will make this payment through Bitcoin (If you dont know how to do this
just search google "how to buy bitcoin" or "localbitcoins, its pretty easy
to buy it).
My Bitcoin address is: 14AXbqCfLBh6MQzbA6VB7aM49Rsq8GigT6

You have only 24 hours after reading this e-mail to send my payment (i have
set a pixel in this message and i will know the date and time you read it).

If you decide not to make my payment i will send your double-screen video
to all your contacts (yes this includes co-workers, friends, family, etc…)
and of course make the video public available on internet.

If i receive my payment all the material will be destroyed and you will
never hear from me again.

If you dont believe and want proof just reply to this email with "PROOF"
and i will send your video to 3 of your contacts.

This message was sent to you by FeedBurner (
You received this message because someone requested a subscription to the
If you received this in error, please disregard. Do not reply directly to
this email.


Hi, i guess you're wondering why you're receiving this email right?

It would be highly beneficial to your privacy if you didn't ignore it.

I have placed a Marlware on an adult website (…P…0…r…n site) and as you visited and watched the video your device has been affected, placing a spyware on your machine. Which has recorded you both with webcam and screen capture while you had your "funTime" allowing me to see exactly what you see.

This has also affected your smartphone via an expl0it. So do not think for one minute you can circumvent this by reinstalling your OS. You have already been recorded.

After that my malvware collected all your messengers, emails and social networks contacts.

I guess this isn't good news right?
But don't worry too much, there's a way we can fix this privacy issue. All i require is a Bitcoin payment of 150 USD which i think is a fair price considering the circumstances.

The address to make the payment is: 1FGX3VjWNpc1CK33884cftMWuq7sJjCJGw
If you don't understand bitcoin, go on youtube and search for "how to buy bitcoin" or google for "localbitcoins", its pretty easy to do it.

You have only 48 hours after reading this e-mail to send payment (Be warned i know when you have opened and read this email, i have placed a pixel image inside it. Which enables me to know when you have opened the messaged on exactly what day and time)​

If you decide to ignore this email, i will have no choice but to forward the video to all the collected contacts you have on your email account, aswell as post on your social media accounts (facebook etc) + send as a personal message to all FB contacts. and of course make the video publicly available on internet, via youtube and adult websites. And considering the current christmas period, i highly doubt you want to be exposed to your family/friends/coworkers during december.

If i receive payment all the material will be destroyed and you will never hear from me again.

If you dont believe and want proof just reply to this email with "PROOF" and i will send your video to 3 of your contacts via email, and post on your facebook wall. In which you will be able to remove it once, not forever.


Hi, how are you today?

Im afraid you dont know me but thats not the point of this email, i am
contacting you regarding an urgent issue that requires your immediate

I am a member of Elite Black Group and we setup a very aggressive malvware
inside a porn website with adult videos

You accesed the website to watch videos and have some fun (you know what i
mean, no problem with that, you have a good taste, lol)

While you were watching the video our virus started to work and setup your
computer as a Remote Desktop. When this happened i had full control of your
computer screen and your camera (yes i could see what you were watching
along with your face and actions by your cam).
We also collected all your contacts from Messengers, Social Networks,

So what i did next? Well, i started to record an live double-screen video
(first part your screen sharing, second part your camera while watching

You dont need to freak out, there is an easy way to fix all this mess and
you will not have your privacy exposed:

All you have to do is pay me U$450 i think this is a fair value to keep
our little secret safe.

You will make this payment by Bitcoin (if you dont know what is Bitcoin or
how to use it, just search "How to buy bitcoin" on internet, its easy).
The wallet address you will send the money to is:

You have only 24h from the time you read this email to make my payment
(i setup a tracking pixel in this message and i will know when you read it).

If i dont receive my Bitcoins i will send your video to all contacts that
i collected from you.

If i receive my money all the evidence will be destroyed and you will
never hear from me again.

Now its up to you, will you be smart enough or the joke of your family and
friends forever?


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