Make Drawer Pulls Out Rocks

Store-bought drawer pulls made of pebbles or stones may be hard to come by, especially if you have a particular color, size or type of stone in mind. Making your own is simply a matter of choosing an adhesive strong enough to secure the stone to the post or base of the drawer pull; the ideal adhesive may vary based on whether the rest of the pull is made of wood or metal. For best results, select pebbles that are smooth, at least on the back, and sturdy enough to handle use as a drawer pull.

Wipe the pebbles thoroughly with damp paper towels to remove dust and dirt. If they show visible dirt, scrub them with a nylon-bristled scrub brush and wipe them down again until clean. Dry with paper towels.

Cover the work surface with newspaper to protect it from epoxy or craft adhesive.

Remove the screws from the backs of the drawer pull bases, and set them aside.

Select one pebble and press it against the top of a drawer pull base, flipping the pebble around to determine which side fits the base best without wobbling. Apply a generous amount of adhesive or epoxy to the top of the drawer pull; add a dab to the back of the pebble if the adhesive directions recommend applying the substance to both surfaces. Press the pebble onto the drawer pull base and set the pull upright to dry with the pebble sitting atop it. Allow to dry for several hours, or as recommended by the adhesive label's directions. Repeat the process for each additional drawer pull.

Open a drawer and insert the screw from the drawer pull through the back of the drawer, out through the front. Hold one of the pebble pulls in front of the screw, turning the screw by hand to secure the pull onto the drawer. Tighten the screw completely using a Phillips screwdriver. Repeat the process for all remaining pebble pulls.




  • Epoxies and adhesives vary greatly. Read the package before purchasing to ensure that the product adheres to stone and smooth surfaces such as metal, if using metal drawer pull bases.
  • If the drawer pulls don't want to sit upright with the pebbles atop them as the adhesive dries, make a drying rack by pressing thin coffee stir sticks into a sheet of shipping foam, then placing the pulls over the sticks. The sticks help keep the pulls from falling over as the glue dries.
  • Some premade drawer pulls have a cupped top, similar to a golf tee. To use a cupped pull with pebbles, choose pebbles that are round enough on the back to fit into the indentation on the pull.
  • If the screws included with the drawer pulls aren't long enough to go through the drawer, purchase longer screws with the same thread and width from a hardware store.

Writer Bio

Kathy Adams is an award-winning journalist and freelance writer who traveled the world handling numerous duties for music artists. She writes travel and budgeting tips and destination guides for USA Today, Travelocity and ForRent, among others. She enjoys exploring foreign locales and hiking off the beaten path stateside, snapping pics of wildlife and nature instead of selfies.

Make Drawer Pulls Out Rocks


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