How to Add a New Location on Snapchat

Believe it or not, you can actually learn how to make a Snapchat geotag of your own and submit it for approval. We'll show you how.

What Is a Snapchat Geotag?

Whenever you snap a photo or film a short video through Snapchat, you can swipe right on the preview to apply certain filter effects to it—one of which is the geotag filter, which changes depending on your location.

Snapchat geotags (or geofilters) are fun images and text overlays that appear on top of a section of your photos or videos, sort of like a sticker. Not all locations have them, though, so if you come across a place that could use one, you can make it yourself.

How to Enable Snapchat Geotags

If you don't see any geotag filters show up on your photos or videos when you swipe right through them, it's possible you haven't turned on the geolocation feature that Snapchat needs to access your location. From the camera viewer in the Snapchat app, tap the ghost icon at the top and then tap the gear icon on the top-right to access your settings. Then tap the Manage option and make sure your Filters button is turned on.​

How to Create a Snapchat Geotag

Creating the image for a Snapchat geotag is probably the hardest part, mainly because you need to have some basic graphic design skills and a design program to help you do it. For best results, you should use a professional design program like Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop to create your geotag.

  1. Create your geofilter using a photo editing program or Snapchat's tools. See below for Snapchat's submission guidelines.

    Need help creating an image? Check out Lifewire's Photoshop guides.

  2. Go to and choose which type of geofilter you want to submit. To create something for a public place, for example, choose Community Filters > Geofilter.

    Community filters are free to submit, but others will cost you money.

  3. Upload your custom filter. This example uses a simple text that reads, "Las Vegas Bound!"

  4. Select Continue.

  5. Choose a location for your filter. Draw a box on the map around the area. You know you did it right when it's filled in with green. Pick a location where people are likely to gather and take snaps. Make sure your fence only covers the relevant area.

  6. Select Continue.

  7. Review your submission. You need to enter an email address, your name, and a description of the geotag. If there's a problem with your image, you'll see red text on the right-hand side explaining what needs to be fixed. Make the necessary changes.

  8. When you're ready, select Submit. After you successfully submit your geotag image, you're sent a confirmation email telling you it will be reviewed in the order it was received. If Snapchat approves it, you'll get a notification.

Custom Snapchat Geotag Guidelines

To submit a geofilter to Snapchat, you must follow some rules. Your image:

  • Must be 100% original. (You can't use clipart, even if it's free.)
  • Must be 1080px wide and 2340px tall.
  • Must be a PNG image with transparency enabled.
  • Must be less than 300KB in size.
  • Cannot have any logos or trademarks.
  • Cannot cover too much of the screen.
  • Cannot have hashtags.

These rules are simple enough to follow if you have Illustrator or Photoshop and know how to use them. But other programs might download the image in a larger size, and without any transparency. You must fix any errors before Snapchat will accept your custom tag.

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How to Add a New Location on Snapchat


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